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North American Lily Society
73rd Annual International Lily Show & Symposium

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Dr. Marianna Szucs

Dr. Marianna Szucs

Dr. Marianna Szucs is an entomologist and evolutionary ecologist specializing in biological control of invasive weeds and insects. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Idaho and conducted postdoctoral research at Colorado State University. Currently, she is an assistant professor at Michigan State University working on biological control of invasive insect pests, such as spotted wing drosophila and brown marmorated stink bug, and invasive weeds, including swallow-wort vines and knotweeds.

Dr. Szucs latest research involves biological control of the lily leaf beetle in Michigan. Her research integrates contemporary ecological and evolutionary theory with biological control to increase establishment success and the effectiveness of biocontrol programs.



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73rd Annual International
Lily Show & Symposium!

The mission of the North American Lily Society, is to promote interest in the genus Lilium, scientific research in its breeding and culture; standardization of its varietal names; the dissemination of information concerning the above and promotion of such other purposes as may advance the culture of lilies.

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North American Lily Society